Soup: Aguadito de Pollo


The original recipe was posted by Eva Huancas Flores ( I have completely lifted the ingredients and method from her and altered it for our local supplies.  Eva's FB page is mecca for Peruvian soup lovers so make sure you jump over there.

A slightly Aussie spin on this taste sensation.

This soup is sensational for any season and any time of day.  Resist the urge to over emphasise any of the herbs and spices. The flavours should subtly blend, delivering a delicious and rewarding taste sensation.

6 pieces of chicken or approx 0.75kg of chicken thighs
1 sml onion diced
1 cup long grain rice
1/2 cup coriander leaf (I used seeds as a substitute)  
1 chicken stock cube
1 clove fresh garlic
2 tsp chilli powder
1 cup of peas (I used beans)
1 cup fresh corn kernels
1 cup diced carrot
1 red capsicum diced
3-4 large yellow potatoes, chopped to large cubes
8 to 10 cups water
Oil, salt and 1 pinch of pepper to season
Fresh lemon and a bit more coriander for garnish


  1. Saute the onion, garlic and chilli powder in a deep saucepan until the onion is translucent.
  2. Add the chicken pieces and stir well to ensure they are well covered.  Brown lightly.
  3. Add the corn, carrot, peas, capsicum and coriander. Leave to fry for a few minutes. Then add the stock cube, water and rice. Bring to the boil and then simmer.
  4. Add the potato and continue simmering until the potato and rice is cooked. Probably around 20 min. 
  5. Put into bowls. Squeeze lemon over the top. Garnish with coriander. Serve. Heaven. 


Everything into the pan for the fry up

Everything into the pan for the fry up

Rice, potatoes and broth in for the final phase

Rice, potatoes and broth in for the final phase

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